Saturday, July 2, 2011

New plants!

I'm not good with plants.  And I am downright awful at taking care of orchids, which is a horrible shame because I absolutely love them.  Within the last 4 years (just since I've moved to the Bay Area), I can count either 6 or 7 orchids that have died in my care.

They've died from being overwatered (which leads to mold), and underwatered (I had kept them at work, and the air is particularly dry).

Let's have a moment of silence for the last orchid that didn't survive.  It came from the San Mateo farmers market. 

I brought home 2 mini orchids from Trader Joe's.  I promise to try harder this time, little orchids. 

Just for good record keeping, here are the care instructions:

Phalaenopsis Care
Temperature 70-90 degrees day; 60-70 degrees night
Water every 2-3 weeks, keep evenly moist
avoid wet foliage, best to water in the morning
Fertilize 1-2 times per month, less in winder
Light moderate indirect light

I also picked up a basil plant.  Only $3 at Trader Joe's, which is comparable to one pack of basil.  This one should be easier to take care of it.

frozen macarons from Trader Joe's

I've noticed frozen macarons available lately at both Costco and Trader Joe's.  Given the time and energy I've spent learning the fine art of macaron-ing lately, I'm partly appalled at the idea of assembly line, mass-produced macarons, partly bummed that my skills may now be obsolete, and partly surprised at how cheap they are.  (about $4 for a pack of 12 at Trader Joe's).

Trader Joe's offers 6 vanilla's and 6 chocolates, so it still lacks the more interesting flavors.

If these frozen macarons are any good, it could replace this whole set of supplies.

I just tried one of each.  The vanilla has pretty good flavor, but was way too mushy.  The chocolate had a much chewier texture and was closer to what I've made before and was pretty good (especially good if you like dark chocolate).

In conclusion, these are pretty decent.  They are easily better than the Miette macarons I've had.  (Note that they're also stored properly so that the macarons don't crush either.  Something that Miette hasn't seemed to learn yet.)