Monday, September 15, 2014

Shaders on Batman!

I figured out how to load up an obj file and now we have Batman!  The toon outline shader is more interesting on Batman than the sphere.  Also, all that fur on Batman makes him look like Oscar the Grouch.
This is still available at:

Friday, September 12, 2014

Webgl shaders

I spent last week teaching myself some webgl and was surprised at how much you can do with it.  Especially when it came to shaders, much of what I could do in C++  8 years ago, I can now do for the web.  I used the three.js library and it was a really handy and fast way to get started with webgl.

There are some really compelling examples of its usage here:

Here's the page to my shaders.  Just click on a shader to start seeing a sphere shaded, and then pick other shaders and shapes as you choose.

Here are some screenshots.  I had a ton of fun working on these and am pretty pleased with how far I got in a week.

The fresnel shader and fur shader are the most interesting shaders, but the toon outline shader would be interesting with a more complex shape with more curvature.  In the future I'll add the ability to load in a model so it's not just generic library shapes.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Whitewater rafting!

I guess I never post about anything related to physical activity.  So this might look pretty out of place here.

Michael and I went whitewater rafting with a big group of friends this weekend up at the American River.  Here's an animated gif of us going down one of the rapids.

I'm feeling pretty sore this morning, but it was an amazing time.  The scenery down on the river was gorgeous and the whole trip really gave me a good kick of inspiration for creative elements I can add to my comics and stories.

It really is important to go outside one's comfort zone every now and then and get some new stimulation.