Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sketch for "Prairie Rabbits"

I've been working on a pitch and have been keeping it mostly under wraps.  Then I hit a period of lack of inspiration on it and just recently picked it back up.  I'm trying to do some concept art for it, but finding it really hard to draw trains and nature and get the color palette that I want.  So here's a crappy first pass.

I'm not happy with it, but it's something for now.  I'm trying to get a better handle on scale and scope and color, and pushing my style further.  Hopefully the next pass will get me closer to what I want it to be.

Sunday, April 7, 2013 is up!

I've been in desperate need of web presence for some time now and this weekend, finally registered the domain name!  (There's no content yet, but there is a splash page.)

I had previously registered, but that is no longer accurate.  And while I never did anything with my old website, I'm going to more aggressively push myself to put together a real website that can link together my professional materials, my hobbies, my progress on technical projects and art pieces, etc.  I'm making a tentative goal to do something for the website every week.  That way it should get built steadily.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

"Morning Pick-me-up" in progress - part 3

I picked up the "Morning Pick-me-up" piece again.  I got discouraged for a while because it just wasn't going in the direction I wanted and after fighting with it on and off, I think it's finally back on track, or at least headed in a much better direction.

I changed up the color palette: made the background warmer to create a cozy feeling, changed the colors of the girl's clothes to be more vivid and lively.  Then I redid the line work on the guy and the cat.  Yeah, the cat looks less like a mermaid cat now.

This feels a lot better to me.  For comparison, here's the last version of it.

Ugh... so much better.  Just looking at the previous one makes me cringe.