Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Color Exercise

 I made up a new color exercise where I pick an image where I like the color palette (in this case, one of Pascal Campion's daily sketches because he's a master of color) and then another image (Batfleck) and draw it using the color palate.  It was a lot of fun.

edit:  noticed that my tablet screen is pretty blown out.  So colors tend to look much darker once I export and I view on other screens.  Adjusted the color curve so this color study doesn't look so redonk dark.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Domestika class homework

 I'm taking an online course called "Digital Painting for Characters - Color and Light" by instructor Joel Santana from Domestika.  I'm really enjoying it so far.  Color and light is an area I'm pretty weak in when it comes to art and I'm been wanting to level up on it for a while.

Here are my homework exercises from the first section of the course.  Some sphere studies, and then modifying the spheres and then textures.  I'm learning a ton both in terms of technique and also how to use Clip Studio Pro.  (The class is taught in Photoshop, but I've been able to find equivalent features in Clip Studio Pro.)

Sunday, October 4, 2020


 I have some encouraging progress on Project Apricot.  I've been struggling to settle on a style for the story and characters.  Mainly because I don't have a style of my own.  But recently I discovered the art of a talented artist who goes by Toi, and fell in love with the style of her characters and their subtle expressions.  And I knew this was the style I wanted for Project Apricot.



 I've reached out to ask about commissions and freelance work, but haven't heard back.  In the meantime, I'm trying to learn her style of drawing characters.  Here's an attempt to understand the way she does faces and an exploration of some looks for the character of Fang.


Thursday, September 10, 2020

Daily sketch

 Dropped off on sketches for a while because life is crazy and California is on fire.  Sigh. 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Daily Sketch

 Copying some sketches from pinterest and trying to find my own ink-drawing style.  I'm really starting to like the feel of the the Real G-Pen in Clip Studio Pro.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Daily Sketch

 I'm starting to feel more comfortable with sketching with charcoal in Clip Studio Pro.  Here's a quick one I was able to knock out in 10-15 minutes.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Another sketch from photo

 Did another sketch from photo reference from Pinterest.  Was looking for interesting and complex facial expressions.  Then did a pass at seeing how I could simplify that expression into a more abstract style.

so maaaad

Sketching from photos

 Been pushing myself to draw from realistic reference material to 1) build up endurance for working on visual details and 2) to get a better handle on the brushes and workflow in Clip Studio Pro.  This took me two days and required downloading some new brushes and learning a bunch of shortcuts, but I finally feel like I'm make progress.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Project Apricot - Kong sketch

A sketch of Kong, the gymnast of the group.
Tomorrow I'll try to refine the clothing, and add a background.  This is him during the first misadventure of when he meets Iris.

Friday, July 31, 2020

Daily figure drawing

I'm trying to start a habit of drawing everyday, partly in response to the advice from these two youtube videos:

1.  Daily Work
2.  Volume, Not Perfection
3.  Steal
4.  Conscious Learning
5.  Rest
6.  Get Feedback
7.  Create What You Love

Focus on what you want to work on and work on it daily.

As a result I've tried to work on my comic "The Miscarriage" everyday.  And today I also started figure drawing using http://reference.sketchdaily.net/en for reference images and timing.
30 second sketches

1 minute sketches