Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Morning Pick-Me-Up done

Finished up "Morning Pick-Me-Up".  Not bad.  I came a long way from when I first started.  My sense of color definitely got better and the character shapes improved.  There's more I could do with it, but I'm eager to close this out and continue.

Here's the progression of work on it.

Friday, June 6, 2014

sketch - carrying a mandolin

Doing a bunch of sketching for Project Apricot.  Liked this pair pretty well.  A mandolin musician.  Her on a good day and then again at the end of a rough day. is up!

I also recently finally put together a page at  Filled out some basics.  Will spruce up later.  Yay!  Productivity!  (Also, I'm tired.  Been staying really busy during my free time lately...)

Infinite Canvas

After having had the infinite canvas idea on my mind for a few years, I've finally found the time to try implementing it.  I've taught myself to use the Google App Engine framework and decided to use it to create a webapp for displaying comics in an "infinite canvas".

For more information about the concept, visit

You can see a first test of the infinite canvas here:
You'll see one looooooong series of images in a linear row.  Keep scrolling to the right and more images will load.  I used all the images from my Avatar:The Last Airbender thumbnailing exercise, and this turned out to be a really good way to showcase them!

Enjoy!  I'm taking a break on coding for now, but I'm really looking forward to adding more features to it.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Some old in-progress sketches

I've been neck-deep in web-dev stuff lately and been mostly coding, but here are some sketches I had been working on.  They're still in progress, but I wanted to have some images to post up and also track progress of these.

sweet destruction
