Saturday, May 3, 2014

Cocktail Party

I had the extremely good fortune to be able to take a series of classes on narrative illustration from the phenomenal Pascal Campion (a very talented concept artist).  And though I was too busy to keep up with all the homework, I did do a sketch for the "cocktail party" assignment.

The concept of this assignment is that he gave us a list of phrases that characters in the scene would be saying or thinking.  Without using word bubbles, we were to draw the scene and characters that illustrated those phrases.  Here's my attempt.

Here is the list of phrases.  See if you can identify them in the image.  (I think I only got about 11 of them, so don't stain too hard looking.)
  1. if only i was 20 years younger..
  2. have you seen my business partner
  3. this is despicable
  4. better get out of here discretely before she sees me
  5. if i ever put my hands on this one
  6. how do you like it here
  7. say when
  8. you're a pig
  9. i'm driving there
  10. it is such a shame
  11. no i never took it
  12. where did you last see it
  13. did you hear about jonesy?
  14. ahahah!
  15. don't cry please
  16. again! (extra)
  17. make it work (extra)
The classes were not quite what I expected, but I learned a ton of valuable exercises and started getting into the regiment of drawing again.  There's no substitute for practice.